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vision and values

We are a diverse church proclaiming

the hope of Jesus in Austin and beyond. We identify our core values as worship, family, and compassion.

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Worship at Hope Community Church focuses on tangibly putting into practice Romans 12:1 which says to "offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to the Lord - this is your true and proper worship." This means worship during our Sunday gatherings is focused on songs, prayer, fellowship, preaching of the word, and partaking of the sacraments. Outside of Sunday gatherings worship is about responding to God’s grace by seeking His face, obeying His commands and living for Him. To walk in a constant posture of worship means we not only give of ourselves to God on Sundays but throughout the week as well, with the mindset that whatever we do or say, we do it all in the name of our Lord Jesus and for our Lord Jesus.


Ephesians 1:5-6 talks about God’s adopting all those who follow Jesus as sons and daughters making up a new family in him. Living as family means more than seeing the same group of people for an hour or two on Sundays. As a family, we seek to be a place known for our meaningful community where people can find a place to call home through lifelong relationships, encouragement and support through prayer and a focus on God as the One who is worthy of our praise. On Sundays, we unite as one family to praise our Father in Heaven and throughout the week, we gather in neighborhood community groups where we dive further into fellowship and the Word.


In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus says his followers are the “light of the world.” We display that "light" by first demonstrating grace, hospitality, and kindness to one another as the people of God. Outwardly, we live as lights by intentionally demonstrating and declaring the gospel in the darkest places of our city through intentional justice initiatives, and caring for the widow, orphan, immigrant, and poor among us. 

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